Planting your Living Walls

Standard nursery plants (2.5″ to 4.5″ roots)fit through the flexible homes.
Stand the living wall planter on a table because you will be planting from the top.
Wet the root balls of the plants, squeeze them and slide them through the bottom row of holes. Add potting mix.

Repeat the same process until you have finished planting the holes. Plant one layer at a time, like lasagna!

Tuck in the edge plants along the top. Be sure to leave about 3/4″ space between the top of the potting mix and the top edge of the planter. Hang with the enclosed hangers.

Pamela Crawford's Living Wall Guide
for Outdoor Use
Download Pamela’s New
Living Wall Guide E-Book
- Plant Trials and Planter Features
- Preparation and Plant Choices
- Planting
- Watering and Keeping the Plants from Falling Out
- Hanging and Fertilizing
- Hanging the Planters in Groups Increases Visual Impact
- Popular Hanging Patterns
- Design Ideas
- Easy Planting Recipes